We’ve been doing a lot of fireplace updates lately with several more in the queue. Understandably, since the fireplace is THE focal point of the room that it lives in. And when it’s dated and / or out of scale, it screams it.
Here’s a glance at the transformation of one we did last year. On this project I had the picklewood ceiling stained to a walnut tone and eliminated the bulky built-in that greeted entrants immediately as they entered the living room which also blocked the incredible view of the entire valley. I added outlets in the boards that create the sunken floor so that the owners could easily float lamps in the space without cords everywhere. I had the walls painted a sophisticated light grey, and added a Big Ass Fan. We covered the face of the fireplace with black slate cladding and replaced the dated brass insert with a modern and clean Mendota gas insert (wood fireplaces are banned in the city of Missoula due to air quality issues). Then, designed a custom built-in into the left end of the fireplace to house the clients’ large amount of stereo equipment, now easily accessible, well insulated, and no wires or cables ever seen. We will be facing the hardware-less door with a piece of art. Since we were driving for a more approachable modern look, we opted not to add a mantle or hearth, just kept it clean and strong. Lastly, we furnished the space with timeless pieces such as an Eames Lounge and Ottoman and a custom made Joybird sofa. Big change!