Every year, I donate design time, a tree, and ornaments for Mountain Home Montana’s Festival of Trees to benefit teen moms, their babies, and the Community Medical Center Foundation. For the live auction this year, I decided on a dwarf evergreen topiary-type tree, still in a planter, with instructions regarding replanting the tree for the winning bidder. I named my tree, ‘Home for the Holidays, and am happy with the outcome, especially since I had help from some of my favorite industry partners. Tracy Roy, at Pierce Flooring, donated a beautiful Karastan rug valued at over $500. Heidi Heitmann, from Insured Titles put together a beautiful home-themed gift basket, Echo Home Furnishings and Habitat Floral Studio generously donated gift cards, and Independent Roofing gave a beautiful assortment of handmade truffles. My tree fetched $650 from a very generous tree purchaser and I’m glad to be able to help make this worthwhile event a success!